Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why am I fat!!

I think this is the million dollar question. Yes, I know I am fat becasue I eat too much food. The question is Why do I eat so much. I think if we find this out we can solve our problems.

For me I know if I am depressed I will crave sweets and salty food. I will eat when i am full just to satify a need an emptiness in my life.

For me I alos know I LOVE BREAD!!! I cannot eat only one roll, biscut, or bagel. I have to have at least 2.

These are my weaknesses.

How do I stop them??????????

I also have to work out more. Wen I did lose my weight it was becuase i got my big butt out and walked, rode a bike and I did exercise. I didnt just sit and look at t.v.

So I went out and got a tape to do. One of them is a walkign tape. I have not even looked at it once. My goal is to do it tomarrow morning. I will let you all know how it goes.

Another goal I have is to cut out sweets. Not 100% but limit it to maybe 3 times a week and only 1. No more 3 dounuts, no more 3 candy bars, or 2 dips of ice cream

I also habe to get my husband to stop buying me treats. HE loves me fat. HE does not want me to lose weight. HE says it is too much of a headach. Why waist my time . I dotn need to do this for him. This is for me.

I am sure i have other goals but I need to think of them......


mom2_9andcounting said...

as salaamu alaikum, I have just joined the blogging world but I am not sure exactly how everything works. How do I leave a post on your blog. Thanks for the invite.

Livin_life_and loving_it said...

email me your email address and I will send you the link you need to get the invite to post. I am looking forward to seeing your posts.

Anonymous said...

assalam alaikum warahmatullah sisters,
you may find this infomercial informative about weight loss. Wallahu a'alam